‘The Pink House Series’ is a collection of magical adventure stories by author Elaine Mayson with illustrations by Katherine Lobo.
“Ballerina in Danger” is the second in the series, a full colour children’s book, aimed at 5 to 8 year olds.
Isabella is an exceptional girl because only she can see the invisible Pink House. They become friends and go on adventures together; Isabella’s quest is difficult and dangerous; to rescue a ballerina and to save a special cat. She relies on the help of a French boy, Jean Paul and an assortment of astonishing magical creatures.
Along the way, Isabella meets Hagatha the wicked witch, who tries to thwart their plans. Will Isabella stop the witch and triumph in this action packed tale? With a fresh, breezy approach, Lobo’s illustrations perfectly capture Isabella, an imaginative and lively little girl, as well as the author’s bold, unique writing style.
“Ballerina in Danger” by Elaine Mayson
“Ballerina in Danger” is also available on iBooks and Amazon
E-books U.K. with £s from Kobo Books, Nook, or U.S. dollars from Smashwords, Barnes and Noble,
ISBN: 9-780-99293-377-7